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intro x 2

Writer: erikaraskinerikaraskin

It occurs to me that perhaps I might have included a description about Close.

(Pretend this was my first blog post.)

New York Times bestselling author Alice Randall called my debut novel, “a page-turner of significance.” Close follows a single mom and her three girls all paddling hard to stay afloat. When being swamped becomes a real possibility they grab a life-line — one tethered to televisions all over the country. The promised rescue by a TV therapy show is anything but. Which begs the question…should family therapy really be a spectator sport?

I’m going to be doing some Goodreads giveaways — so watch my blog or Facebook page for entry info. In case you’re unfamiliar with it, Goodreads is a great site that brings readers together. One way is by providing space for people to give honest reactions to the books they’ve read. The beauty of that is if you agree with their assessments you know who to go to for recommendations about what to pick up next.

(It’s something I’ve been doing all my life with movies. Whenever a particular brother of mine raves about a new film – I know to stay far, far away.)

A lot of people have been helping to get the word out about Close. Thank you.


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