Him: Do you want to have our ashes mixed?
Me: Oh! That's going to make me cry. Yes! In the pasture out back?
Him: Okay. And up on Humpback Rocks. And a little bit released into space on one of those memorial rockets.
Me: Wait, what? Hurtling indefinitely? Are you nuts? And hiking up Humpback gives me asthma!
Him: Well, we could divide them up.
Me: Like permanent separate vacations?
Him: Also, I think I'd like to have some sprinkled at Sputyn Divel.
(He rowed there in college.)
Him: And on UVA Grounds.
(He teaches at the med school there.)
Him: And on the Quad at Columbia--
Me: As a nod to after I transferred there, right?
Me: You know what? Just put mine in the couch.